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SF Business Times Cover Story - Egg Freezing at PFC

Posted on October 2, 2013 by Inception Fertility

PFC was interviewed for the October 3, 2013, San Francisco Business Times cover story on Egg Freezing and Fertility Preservation.

The article also informs the audience about the deterioration of egg quality and quantity over time, adding that, a woman’s eggs in her 20s “are beautiful,” but eggs from a woman in her 40s and older are “not so much.” This educational article gives women a better understanding of their biological clock, informing women that by the time they reach their mid-twenties, they have about 25 percent of the eggs they were born with left, and after age 35, the percentage drops off even more. Additionally, it goes on to inform women that even though they might feel young and healthy at age 40, “the biological clock isn’t tied to outside measures of health – it ticks no matter how well you eat or how much you exercise.”

Read the full article in the Friday, September 27th issue of the San Francisco Business Times. You can also read the online version here.

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