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PFC quoted in a second San Francisco Business Times egg freezing article, "The costs of buying more time for a baby."

Posted on October 2, 2013 by Inception Fertility

The article highlights some of the reasons why many women decide to freeze their eggs and the sense of relief and psychological ease these women feel once their eggs are frozen.

According to the article, for many of these women, they "would have children immediately if they had the right partner." But for these women who have such a strong desire for a family - egg freezing may be the answer they are looking for. Egg freezing is a way for these women to preserve their younger and healthier eggs until they find the right partner, or for other social and psychological reasons. And for many women, "the choice of being able to have a biological child with a future partner – even if it happens later on in life – is worth all the money and trouble of freezing eggs."

PFC's Dr. Schriock was interviewed for this article, and he expresses how he feels that his role is to educate patients on the egg freezing process, as well as be there for support and guidance in their decision making process.

Read the full article in the Friday, September 27th issue of the San Francisco Business Times. You can also read the online version here.

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