Dr. Chenette Presented at The Battery

Posted on February 12, 2016 by Inception Fertility

In Her Own Sweet Time, Egg Freezing and the New Frontiers of Family.

According to Lehmann-Haupt’s website, this memoir is about the choices women face as they are having children older and trying to balance career, love and family. Today, delaying marriage and childbirth to invest in your career has become the norm. In this book, she talks about the timely, poignant, and profoundly honest account of her own efforts to reconcile modern love with modern life with the latest medical, technological, and social science research. Told through the voices of multiple women facing the challenge of balancing their careers, family aspirations, and that brief, beautiful window wherein their bodies are ready for babies, while also incorporating her personal experience trying to work, date, and see the world, Lehmann-Haupt describe how she came to freeze her eggs. This book will resonate with a huge generation of young women who want it all—a career, a family, the perfect partner— but haven’t figured out yet how to fit it all together.

To learn more about the book and author, visit her website here.

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