Microarray Preimplantation Diagnosis (MA-PGD) created much excitement and interest at three recent meetings attended by Dr. Schriock; Pacific Coast Reproductive Society, The Midwest Reproductive Symposium, and the IVF Comprehensive Update. PGD is a technique used to diagnosis genetic disorders by performing a biopsy of the embryo on day 3 or 5. PGD can diagnose single gene or chromosomal defects. PFC has been doing embryo biopsy for over 10 years. During this time the major method of diagnosing chromosomal disorders has been fluorescent in situ hybridization, FISH. FISH uses a fluorescent color to label individual chromosomes. This technique lacks accuracy and is now seldom used to screen embryos for the presence of missing or extra chromosomes. ([refer to Fertility Flash Vol. 5 Issue 2](http://www.pacificfertilitycenter.com/fertilityflash/vol5_issue2.htm)
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